Open Data. What have we got?

I attended the ‘Global Graph’ session at the #cetis09 conference and made a largely failed attempt to demo some of the work we’ve been doing with Triplify and the Talis Platform. (In my defence, it wasn’t a planned demo and was down while Alex was doing some design work).

Anyway, what I would have shown was how each document site on uses Triplify to provide Linked Data in the form of RDF/N3 triples, which we store on the Talis Platform using a plugin Alex wrote.

Using Alex’s config file for WordPress MultiUser, we drop the triplify directory into the WPMU root directory, alongside wp-admin, wp-includes and all the other WordPress files. You should take a look at the config file and make sure it’s doing what you want it to do, but it will work as it is.  With this in place, Linked Data in the form of an RDF flat file for each document site (blog) is available at or

(I should warn you that none of the URLs in this post are genuine URLs. They’re examples of syntax. The server at will stop running at the end of December).

Now, to get that same data onto the Talis Platform, Alex has written a plugin for WPMU that periodically crawls the documents for changes and pushes the new data to a Talis Platform account.  Here are the WPMU site-wide admin options:

Admin settings

and here are the per document site user settings:

User settings

I won’t explain what the plugin does in detail. Just click on those images above and you’ll see the options that are available and if you’re reading this stuff, you know what it’s all about.  The Talis/Triplify plugin for WPMU will appear on in the next couple of weeks. It’s been tested and it does what we expect it to do but we want to test it more on sub-directory installs before it’s publicly available. Full documentation will appear soon on

We have also developed a WPMU plugin for Open Calais and the Yahoo! Term Extraction API. This provides a background service which indexes each document section (blog post) and creates relationships between content across the platform. We’ll post here about that very soon.

In addition to the Linked Data, JISCPress, using on WordPress, provides a long list of other open data (not Linked Data) end-points which might be put to good use. Here you go..

Document paragraphs

These are switches that provide individual paragraph data in different formats.

Document sections

This is just the regular WordPress post content in RSS format. In JISCPress terms, it’s the document section which is a single feed item.

and this is the normal WordPress feed of comments on a particular post/document section.

We’ve also added the provision of a feed for each document section (‘post’), where each paragraph is a feed item. Note that this makes a nice tool for building your own feeds out of a single WordPress post.

Per paragraph comments/discussions

For each paragraph, there’s a feed of the comments/discussion.,1

Commenter feeds

For each person that comments, there’s a feed of their comments

All the other stuff

Don’t forget that the entire document content is also available as a feed

as are all comments from the site, too:

with WordPress, tags also have feeds

and so do categories

You can also combine tags

and you can combine tags and categories,tag3&feed=rss2

Finally, authors have a feed, too


WordPress is a versatile CMS for organising/designing and publishing data as feeds and therefore a useful source of Open Data. JISCPress has extended this versatility by choosing to develop further data end points using and offering a simple way of publishing Linked Data to the Talis Platform RDF triple store where is can be queried and mashed up using the platform’s API.